The Old Ceremony

The Old Ceremony plays lush, literate folk-rock. Now in their twentieth year of touring the US, Canada, and Europe and seven albums under their belt, the Chapel Hill, NC band occupies its own darkly lit corner of the musical world. It is a corner filled with ominous rumblings and world-weary but hopeful characters.

They have toured with the Jayhwaks, CAKE, Giant Sand, Squirrel Nut Zippers, and many more. R.E.M.’s Mike Mills sang and played bass on their last record, Sprinter (produced by Mitch Easter). They have amassed piles of rave reviews from publications across the US, Canada, and the UK. TOC's newest album, Earthbound, is slated for release October 17, 2024 on Robust Records.

TOC is led by songwriter Django Haskins, and includes vibes/organist Mark Simonsen, bassist Shane Hartman, violinist Gabriel Pelli, and drummer Nate Stalfa.

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